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Home advertising Take Note: 5 Fundamental Flaws In Mobile Marketing Strategies

Take Note: 5 Fundamental Flaws In Mobile Marketing Strategies

Published on January 11, 2012

MediaPost has a great article on their website today about the 5 fundamental flaws of mobile marketing strategies. We highly recommend all mobile ad sales representatives and those responsible for choosing your companies ad serving technology give this article a read. Mobile is a very unique ecosystem, with very different opportunities to the web and print. When selling mobile inventory, pay attention to the personalized nature of the device in question.

Equally as important as guiding your clients, is the need to utilize ad serving technology that will enable you to deliver these unique advantages. At Spreed we pride ourselves on our vision of the mobile future. We believe that all publishers need an ad serving platform that not only delivers what advertisers want today, but what they will also want in 2-3 years.

If you are not on a future ready platform now, you will be scrambling later to implement the technology and train your staff when the advertisers are ready. Our ad platform already has the capabilities to do deep location based targeting and avails reporting. We also have the capabilities to target individuals by contextually, behaviourally and demographically relevant patterns.

Give the article a read and make sure to use these guidelines when choosing your ad platform as well as educating and selling to your clients.

5 Fundamental Flaws In Mobile Marketing Strategies

Given that the device is hyper-connected and nearly always within arm’s reach, the smartphone has, in essence, become a natural extension of our human selves. Yet, with the newfound wealth of opportunities available to marketers associated with engaging consumers more personally through these devices, we’re doing it all wrong.

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