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And we really wonder why we are in a financial crisis!?

Published on November 25, 2008

Can someone please help me logically justify the rate of return on “investing” $12 billion a month on the war in Iraq? Is that really what the oil reserve in Iraq is valued at?  I assume more if you include inflation over the past 5 years.  WTF.

For more insane statitics from US Senate and Congressional Services please read this article http://usliberals.about.com/od/homelandsecurit1/a/IraqNumbers.htm

On a related topic; GM, Ford, Chrysler are on the brink of collapse and along with it millions of jobs resulting in the ripple effect.  I know Micheal Moore can be a bit out of this world at times but he brings up a valid point in his appearance on Larry King Live .  I think he couldn’t be more correct in comparing Roosevelt’s WWII era policy to Obama and our financial crisis. The need to overhaul the auto industry into a mass transit, light rail and hybrid manufacturing powerhouse is really the only solution (status quo is obviously not cutting it).  This will be a real chance for the US and so be it the world to take our next step in financial and political evolution a.k.a the Synergism Hypothesis. Could this be the end of capitalism?

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2 Responses

  1. The revival of the trolley… http://www.matternetwork.com/2008/11/can-trolleys-retake-american-streets.cfm Personally I enjoy taking the bus, you actually get a chance to get into a book before you have to move again.

  2. Reinventing the car: GM’s head of R&D, Larry Burns, on TED.com



    There is no other solution but to radically overhaul the American car industry.

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