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Home technology The Driving Plane

The Driving Plane

Published on November 18, 2008

I love ideas which turn accepted orthodoxies on their heads. In this case, the science, fiction, and science fiction perspective on the future of transportation has long been the flying car. Imagine being stuck in traffic and then blasting over the jam, touching down and taxiing right into your driveway. Cool, but I’ve never seen a car fly, and I’m sure most aviation agencies don’t want a bunch of yahoo drivers inaugurating the term air-rage.

What I have seen is that airplanes can drive. Take-off, touch-down. Pretty simple. So simple that a company called Terrafugia has begun developing a plane that could be considered street legal, geared towards the pilot community (which makes sense, since I assume that most pilots also have a driver’s license).

Popular mechancs has done a whole spread on them: http://www.popsci.com/military-aviation-amp-space/article/2008-10/flying-car-gets-real.

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