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Home community Will humans live to see 10G or even 20G wireless technology???

Will humans live to see 10G or even 20G wireless technology???

Published on November 18, 2008

From the creation of the internet by Tim Burners Lee in 1989 to the latest technology running in 3G wireless networks, the world has literally seen what some call the greatest human invention of all time grow up right before their eyes.  (Always funny to think about what work must have been like before 1990… no email, no social networks, no research… weird)  Now the next logical step in the evolution of the internet is 4G wireless technology that will bridge the trillions of wireless devices that the world will be using.  Check out the latest project from the EU called MAGNET Project http://www.gizmag.com/magnet-beyond-project-4g-wireless-world/10380/.  How much further can wireless technology go?

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