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Home business Yahoo’s Secret Layoff Double Speak Revealed

Yahoo’s Secret Layoff Double Speak Revealed

Published on December 11, 2008

So I found this link yesterday thanks to twitter and couldn’t help sharing it with all of you out there. The only reason we all have a copy of this right now is because Yahoo has been firing people like mad. Given the inter-connectedness now of tech communities around the world, it has been very easy to pick up on some rather confidential documentation that has been swirling around as people get layed off. A great example of this documentation is Yahoo’s firing policy. This is one for the books. Take a look at the link below:

Yahoo’s Secret Layoff Double Speak Revealed: Valleywag

Yahoo isn’t firing people en masse — it’s “getting fit.” That noisome euphemism for today’s layoffs of 1,500 people must have hissed forth from the brain of some overpaid management consultant. Likewise for pages upon pages of instructions on how to sack employees — which Valleywag has obtained.

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