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Home economy The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in the U.S. Election

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in the U.S. Election

Published on October 6, 2008

Just a few things that came across my plate today.

The Good: This is a pretty funny flow chart of Palin’s Debate. It will put a smile on your face even if you have no interest in politics.

The Bad: I read today that only seven states have election day registration. This is showing up at the polls to register and vote.  SEVEN!  – not to mention that the states have power to regulate voting for a federal election.

The UGLY: Palin says Obama is Mr. Cooper and hanging with Terrorists. Obama releases a micro-documentry about McCain and his involvment in the 1980′s savings and loan crisis. Honestly how the heck does someone like this get nominated…

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One Response

  1. wilsonmichael68

    Interesting article and interesting arguments!
    I’m wondering what impact the debates will have on the polls.
    I use a widget to keep track of the progression of polls. The widget shows the election polls by strength of states.
    In addition to other different graphical visualizations of data, this one displays the progression of votes over time.
    Hereby you can see how/if the states have moved!

    It gives a great overview and it is updated as the polls come in!


    … and its easy to put on your blog and fits in your sidebar!

    Make a difference, keep on voting!

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