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Home Archive for category "economy"

Yahoo’s Secret Layoff Double Speak Revealed

So I found this link yesterday thanks to twitter and couldn’t help sharing it with all of you out there. The only reason we all have a copy of this right now is because Yahoo has been firing people like mad. Given the inter-connectedness now of tech communities around the world, it has been very


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Y Combinator is Dead

Here is a really interesting post I found today about what this author calls the so called ‘death’ of the Y-Combinator model. For those of you that do not know what Y-combinator is, it’s a start up incubator that basically takes good ideas with strong passionate teams, gives them a bit of money to build


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Bringing Sexy “DC” Back

Interesting article I read from EcoGeek via Greentech Media… http://www.ecogeek.org/content/view/2346/.  I never knew that computers and LEDs ran on DC power…  hybrid AC/DC buildings might be the way of the future for consumer cost savings and overall sustainability.  Brief overview of DC Electricity http://www.school-for-champions.com/science/dc.htm

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And we really wonder why we are in a financial crisis!?

Can someone please help me logically justify the rate of return on “investing” $12 billion a month on the war in Iraq? Is that really what the oil reserve in Iraq is valued at?  I assume more if you include inflation over the past 5 years.  WTF. For more insane statitics from US Senate and Congressional Services


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Will humans live to see 10G or even 20G wireless technology???

From the creation of the internet by Tim Burners Lee in 1989 to the latest technology running in 3G wireless networks, the world has literally seen what some call the greatest human invention of all time grow up right before their eyes.  (Always funny to think about what work must have been like before 1990…


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Bioethanol from Olive Stones

I read this article on Gizmag Bioethanol from Olive Stones and it slapped me in the face.  Living in Turkey, I see a lot of olive trees.  Not just a lot but A LOT.  Albeit I absolutely despise the taste of olives, I love every other product that comes out of the incredible fruit.  And


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Buy American. I am.

By Warren Buffett THE financial world is a mess, both in the United States and abroad. Its problems, moreover, have been leaking into the general economy, and the leaks are now turning into a gusher. In the near term, unemployment will rise, business activity will falter and headlines will continue to be scary. So …


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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in the U.S. Election

Just a few things that came across my plate today. The Good: This is a pretty funny flow chart of Palin’s Debate. It will put a smile on your face even if you have no interest in politics. The Bad: I read today that only seven states have election day registration. This is showing up


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Will VC’s and Startups Be Immune to the Credit Crunch???

Given the financial turmoil that is hitting international markets (especially the US), it is not surprising that Techcrunch posted and article delving into the issue of venture capital in this tumultuous time. I agree with the majority of the article, except I think that there is another angle in play. The general market turmoil caused


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The Energy “Non-Crisis”

Last week, I attended a presentation by Pierre-Olivier Pineau, a professor at HEC Montreal who specializes in energy policy. He delivered a presentation entitled “The Energy Non-Crisis.” His basic thesis is that the current state of global energy consumption does not meet the definition of a crisis. He asserts that at our current rates of consumption


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