Interesting article I read from EcoGeek via Greentech Media… I never knew that computers and LEDs ran on DC power… hybrid AC/DC buildings might be the way of the future for consumer cost savings and overall sustainability. Brief overview of DC Electricity
The Energy “Non-Crisis”
Last week, I attended a presentation by Pierre-Olivier Pineau, a professor at HEC Montreal who specializes in energy policy. He delivered a presentation entitled “The Energy Non-Crisis.” His basic thesis is that the current state of global energy consumption does not meet the definition of a crisis. He asserts that at our current rates of consumption
Too Much Texting
I always find it annoying watching someone swirve on the road only to find them texting on their cell phone as I pass by, my fist waving angrily out the window. This whole texting revolution has gone too far in my mind. The number of car accidents in the UK alone attributed to texting on a cell
Price as a Value Indicator
I came across an interesting blog post today by a software developer based out of NYC called Joel Spolsky. He talks about a recent statement by EMI boss-man Alain Levy who says that iTunes is going to begin selling older (less popular) songs for less money and recent big hits for more money. Joel’s argument
Uncertainty and the Powerlessness of Oil Consumption
It goes without question that with pump prices as high as they have been this past year, the mass public generally loathes the oil companies. A recent Harris Interactive study on 20 industries showed that consumer share a serious distain for the oil tycoons. Our own Renee Warren was recently quoted on BNet News with