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Home Archive for category "credit crisis"

Yahoo’s Secret Layoff Double Speak Revealed

So I found this link yesterday thanks to twitter and couldn’t help sharing it with all of you out there. The only reason we all have a copy of this right now is because Yahoo has been firing people like mad. Given the inter-connectedness now of tech communities around the world, it has been very


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Y Combinator is Dead

Here is a really interesting post I found today about what this author calls the so called ‘death’ of the Y-Combinator model. For those of you that do not know what Y-combinator is, it’s a start up incubator that basically takes good ideas with strong passionate teams, gives them a bit of money to build


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Will VC’s and Startups Be Immune to the Credit Crunch???

Given the financial turmoil that is hitting international markets (especially the US), it is not surprising that Techcrunch posted and article delving into the issue of venture capital in this tumultuous time. I agree with the majority of the article, except I think that there is another angle in play. The general market turmoil caused


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© Dave Coleman 2012