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Smaller Startups to Fuel M&A Fire in Mobile Ads This Year

Published on January 19, 2010

As part of our 2010 marketing strategy we are going to begin sharing interesting articles from around the mobile marketing/advertising space with all of our readers. Over the weekend GigaOm (a publication I have a lot of respect for) posted and article about how small mobile ad startups are going to fuel an M&A fire this year. Although the two biggest ad networks were recently bought up by Google and Apple, there are a lot of smaller companies that are pursuing very interesting niches in the mobile ecosystem. The article argues that these startups are going to be very attractive to some of the big boys in the next year.

Smaller Startups to Fuel M&A Fire in Mobile Ads This Year

While we may see one or two more big-budget acquisitions in mobile advertising this year, most of the M&A activity will center on smaller startups. Entrenched firms with deep pockets will look to fill out the holes in their mobile ad businesses, and independent players will forge alliances to better compete with their larger counterparts. Those deals won’t make headlines, but they will reconfigure the landscape of mobile advertising in 2010.

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