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I am Officially a Googler

After nearly five incredible years of working at Spreed, I have made the difficult decision to move on. As of this coming Monday, I am very excited to announce that I will be joining the Google team as their Media Solutions Lead. As you can all imagine this was not an easy decision. I have


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Infographic: The Seven Deadly Sins of Mobile Marketing

Okay, we are clearly in an infographic mood today. The graphic below was developed by the folks over at Text Marketer about avoiding the “7 deadly sins of mobile marketing.”

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Contextually Relevant Mobile Ads See Impressive Clickthrough Rates

According to EMarketer, contextual relevant ads are seeing significantly higher clickthrough rates in mobile.

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Facebook Has Surpassed 300M Monthly Mobile Users. What Does This Mean for You?

350m people used Facebook on mobile of which 250m used the apps and 100m used the mobile web. In other words 70% of mobile users and 30% of all users used apps to access Facebook.

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© Dave Coleman 2012