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How to do Clever Mobile Advertising in 2010? Don’t copy web!

This is a guest post from Tomi Ahonen. Tomi is an author of six bestselling hardcover books and three eBooks, who is greatly respected by his peers and is referenced in over 60 books by other authors. He speaks regularly at conferences doing about 20 public speakerships annually. With over 250 public speaking engagements, Tomi


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The iPad is Coming: Are You Ready?

Well it’s only a few days away and the anticipation is certainly building up. The iPad will be available in stores April 3rd, but consumers are not the only ones who are investing money into this revolutionary new device. As we already know The New York Times is launching an iPad application that will be


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Useful Info for Getting Retailers to Advertise on Your Mobile App

Are your retail advertising partners not sure whether your mobile property is the right place for them to advertise? Do you keep hearing questions from them about whether people actual make purchases through their mobile phones? Here are some useful articles to help answer their questions. People are indeed doing product research and purchasing items


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Retailers are Ready to Spend on Mobile

Last week retail executives descended upon Palm Desert, California for the annual eTail West conference. ETail West is North America’s leading multi-channel retail event, so why is this of interest to Spreed, publishers and media executives? At the end of the week over 150 of the top executives opted in to stick around for an


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Five Advantages of Mobile Marketing Over Online

An interesting opinion piece popped up on Mobile Marketer today talking about the advantages of mobile marketing over online marketing. Mobile marketing has been touted as one of the most powerful new forms of engagement for some time now. Its ability to target the right users with highly interactive content at the right time makes


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Apple Banning Location Based Advertising? – We Don’t Think So

We recently reported that Apple acquired Quattro, a mobile advertising network. Shortly after the sale of Quattro Apple released a statement saying that apps that requested a users location for the primary purpose of location based advertising would be rejected by the app store. At first sight this appears to be anti-competitive behavior. Apple recently


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Apple Banning Location Based Advertising? – We Don’t Think So

We recently reported that Apple acquired Quattro, a mobile advertising network. Shortly after the sale of Quattro Apple released a statement saying that apps that requested a users location for the primary purpose of location based advertising would be rejected by the app store. At first sight this appears to be anti-competitive behavior. Apple recently


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Apple Grabs 25% of the Smart Phone Market, but RIM Still in the Lead

A Comscore study on the state of the US mobile market was just released and shows that the iPhone’s popularity still continues to grow. The iPhone has increased its market share from 24.1% in September 2009 to 25.3% in December 2009. The Blackberry which has always held a dominant position has declined from 42.6% to


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Monday Morning Mobile Round Up – Mobile Advertising, The Olympics and A Strong 2010

Happy Monday morning everyone. I hope you all had a great weekend. I know everyone is busy getting ready for the week ahead, so instead of giving you a few long posts I have decided to share some of my weekend reading with you. Mobile ad campaigns 5 times more effective than online: InsightExpress study


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Branded Mobile Apps or App Sponsorships? The Lost Art of Sponsorship

An interesting post came up on Mobile Marketing Watch yesterday about the resurgence of application sponsorships. The post cites an article written by Steve Smith of MediaPost. I will let Steve do the heavy lifting, but in summary the article states that not every brand translates well into a mobile application. If you do not have


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