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Move Over iPhone, Here Comes Android

Apple has always been great at building Operating Systems that work perfectly on their own hardware. This is a fantastic stategy as your end users truly appreciate the beauty of a machine thats works flawlessly. Alternatively look at companies like Microsoft that also build a highly robust Operation System that works on multiple systems. The problem with this is that Microsft has


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E-Reader Wars? Three New Products to Launch

A month ago we wrote a piece (The e-Book Revolution) that claimed that Amazon sold 240,000 kindles. Citigroup has since estimated that number up to 380,000 sold. We debated whether the E-Book in Kindle like formats would be widely used. The numbers are encouraging. This month iRex is going to launch it’s next generation e-reader


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Top 10 Up-and-Coming Internet Products

I always enjoy reading/viewing articles about concept technology (especially car designs). I thought this article from Lifehacker was interesting highlighting some of the new tech coming to the internet.  Top 10 Up-and-Coming Products

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Large Hadron Collider Blows My Mind

The human mind never ceases to amaze me.  Seeing pictures of the LAC, LAC Stunning Images and the audacity of human kind to manipulate our reality is incredible.  By far the best quote I have read regarding the LAC is from none other than Stephen Hawking, “I think it will be much more exciting if


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The Self-Sustaining Data Center

The title may not be 100% accurate, but I just came across an article documenting a new patent that Google just won this past August. The patent is for a floating datacenter that is run on wind power and is cooled by the water. The implications of this are obviously huge and far reaching. To


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Too Much Texting

I always find it annoying watching someone swirve on the road only to find them texting on their cell phone as I pass by, my fist waving angrily out the window. This whole texting revolution has gone too far in my mind. The number of car accidents in the UK alone attributed to texting on a cell


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E-Textbooks May Not Make Economic Sense for Students … or do they???

There was an interesting article in yesterday’s LA Time’s that gives a timely perspective on the proliferation of e-textbooks in the student market. The crux of the argument is that e-textbooks, although half the price of print textbooks, may actually not be cheaper in the long run. Students can usually return their print textbooks for


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E-Textbooks May Not Make Economic Sense for Students … or Do They???

There was an interesting article in yesterday’s LA Time’s that gives a timely perspective on the proliferation of e-textbooks in the student market. The crux of the argument is that e-textbooks, although half the price of print textbooks, may actually not be cheaper in the long run. Students can usually return their print textbooks for


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A Great New Find for All You Electronic Reading Enthusiasts

I just found a fantastic new blog written by an expert in the field of eye science, Kevin Larson. Anyone who is interested in how the brain and eye interact with electronic text should check it out here: The Font Blog Here is Dr. Larson’s bio, just reading this and his corresponding blog makes me


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Social Media for business

I just got back from this mornings seminars at the IncentiveWorks conference and had the opportunity to hear Phil Barrett speak about Social Media and how it has evolved and how it will progress over the next 10 years. Interesting stuff. (He used a different type of video by commoncraft) It was also amazing to see just


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