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Home Articles posted by Dave Coleman (Page 14)

The Energy “Non-Crisis”

Last week, I attended a presentation by Pierre-Olivier Pineau, a professor at HEC Montreal who specializes in energy policy. He delivered a presentation entitled “The Energy Non-Crisis.” His basic thesis is that the current state of global energy consumption does not meet the definition of a crisis. He asserts that at our current rates of consumption


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Too Much Texting

I always find it annoying watching someone swirve on the road only to find them texting on their cell phone as I pass by, my fist waving angrily out the window. This whole texting revolution has gone too far in my mind. The number of car accidents in the UK alone attributed to texting on a cell


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Price as a Value Indicator

I came across an interesting blog post today by a software developer based out of NYC called Joel Spolsky. He talks about a recent statement by EMI boss-man Alain Levy who says that iTunes is going to begin selling older (less popular) songs for less money and recent big hits for more money. Joel’s argument


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Updates to Spreed:News Mobile

We have been very busy here at Spreed getting everything ready for the launch of our next product as well as incorporating all of the fantastic feedback that we have received from our users. We sent out a survey 3 weeks ago now and the response has been fantastic; so thank you! We released a


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E-Textbooks May Not Make Economic Sense for Students … or do they???

There was an interesting article in yesterday’s LA Time’s that gives a timely perspective on the proliferation of e-textbooks in the student market. The crux of the argument is that e-textbooks, although half the price of print textbooks, may actually not be cheaper in the long run. Students can usually return their print textbooks for


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E-Textbooks May Not Make Economic Sense for Students … or Do They???

There was an interesting article in yesterday’s LA Time’s that gives a timely perspective on the proliferation of e-textbooks in the student market. The crux of the argument is that e-textbooks, although half the price of print textbooks, may actually not be cheaper in the long run. Students can usually return their print textbooks for


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A Great New Find for All You Electronic Reading Enthusiasts

I just found a fantastic new blog written by an expert in the field of eye science, Kevin Larson. Anyone who is interested in how the brain and eye interact with electronic text should check it out here: The Font Blog Here is Dr. Larson’s bio, just reading this and his corresponding blog makes me


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How to Get Through Life 101 to 448 (If only it exsisted…)

I came across this article on lifehack.org, “8 Essential Skills They Didn’t Teach you in School” and I feel that readers and contributors to this blog will be able to add valuable skills of their own they think should be on the list or further links to the 8 topics… but that is because I assume


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Social Media for business

I just got back from this mornings seminars at the IncentiveWorks conference and had the opportunity to hear Phil Barrett speak about Social Media and how it has evolved and how it will progress over the next 10 years. Interesting stuff. (He used a different type of video by commoncraft) It was also amazing to see just


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New Release of Spreed:News Goes Live

It has been about a month since the launch of Spreed:News and we have had some fantastic feedback from our community. Today we released a new version of Spreed:News to the public. The new version has a number of feature updates including: The ability to post articles to twitter The ability to rate an article 10


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© Dave Coleman 2012