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Flurry Smartphone Industry Pulse, February 2009: Traditional Media Dominating the News Category


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Mobile Newspaper Apps Deliver Young Readers

“A new survey by the Pew Research Center released Monday found more than a quarter of all American adults read news on their mobile.” -Pew research This headline from the March 3rd edition of MobileMarketing Daily caught our attention.  The headline is taken from the recently release Understanding The Participatory Newspaper Consumer which is a


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Pew Research Center Study on the Participatory News Consumer

Yesterday, The Pew Research Center released a new report on the state of news consumers, specifically focusing on the behaviors and habits of digital consumers. What was interesting about this report was the focus that it put on mobile. Click here to be taken to the mobile section of the report. In summary the report


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Pew Research Center Study on the Participatory News Consumer

Yesterday, The Pew Research Center released a new report on the state of news consumers, specifically focusing on the behaviors and habits of digital consumers. What was interesting about this report was the focus that it put on mobile. Click here to be taken to the mobile section of the report. In summary the report


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Charlie Rose on the iPad with Guests David Carr, Walt Mossberg and Mike Arrington

While watching the Charlie Rose show a week ago I saw this interesting interview about the iPad. It is definitely worth a watch for anyone in the media industry. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ysq7mmGaWoU&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6]

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Apple Grabs 25% of the Smart Phone Market, but RIM Still in the Lead

A Comscore study on the state of the US mobile market was just released and shows that the iPhone’s popularity still continues to grow. The iPhone has increased its market share from 24.1% in September 2009 to 25.3% in December 2009. The Blackberry which has always held a dominant position has declined from 42.6% to


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Who Said Books Had to be Written on Paper???

I must have drank some seriously potent iPhone Kool-aid while I was in San Fran for the Web 2.0 Summit. Ever since I have been back all I can even think, dream or talk about is the huge potential behind the iPhone. The problem is that some people, in some cases even Apple, do not


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Who Said Books Had to be Written on Paper???

I must have drank some seriously potent iPhone Kool-aid while I was in San Fran for the Web 2.0 Summit. Ever since I have been back all I can even think, dream or talk about is the huge potential behind the iPhone. The problem is that some people, in some cases even Apple, do not


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Dan Woods from O’Reilly Media Truly is a Digital Driver

Dan Woods, who is the Associate Publisher for O’Reilly’s Media Makers Division was just recently interviewed by the Magazine Publishers Association. O’Reilly is one of those forward thinking publishing houses who really understands the digital space and is not afraid to take risks here and there for the sake of innovation.  Dan talks about how Make and Craft magazines


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More Kindle News

If you are a new reader here at the Spreed:Blog, you will find out in due time that we are quite obsessed with digital publishing and the ways that we take in digital content. Spreed’s goal is to make the digital reading experience more efficient on any electronic device. Our speed reading application is only


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